f(n) = \begin{cases} 1 & n = 1 \\ p \operatorname{xor} c & n = p^{c} \\ f(a)f(b) & n = ab \land a \perp b \end{cases}
易知 f(p) = p - 1 + 2[p = 2]。则按照筛 \varphi 的方法筛,对 2 讨论一下即可。 此处给出一种 C++ 实现:
/* 「LOJ #6053」简单的函数 */
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
using i64 = long long;
constexpr int maxs = 200000; // 2sqrt(n)
constexpr int mod = 1000000007;
template <typename x_t, typename y_t>
inline void inc(x_t &x, const y_t &y) {
x += y;
(mod <= x) && (x -= mod);
template <typename x_t, typename y_t>
inline void dec(x_t &x, const y_t &y) {
x -= y;
(x < 0) && (x += mod);
template <typename x_t, typename y_t>
inline int sum(const x_t &x, const y_t &y) {
return x + y < mod ? x + y : (x + y - mod);
template <typename x_t, typename y_t>
inline int sub(const x_t &x, const y_t &y) {
return x < y ? x - y + mod : (x - y);
template <typename _Tp>
inline int div2(const _Tp &x) {
return ((x & 1) ? x + mod : x) >> 1;
template <typename _Tp>
inline i64 sqrll(const _Tp &x) {
return (i64)x * x;
int pri[maxs / 7], lpf[maxs + 1], spri[maxs + 1], pcnt;
inline void sieve(const int &n) {
for (int i = 2; i <= n; ++i) {
if (lpf[i] == 0)
pri[lpf[i] = ++pcnt] = i, spri[pcnt] = sum(spri[pcnt - 1], i);
for (int j = 1, v; j <= lpf[i] && (v = i * pri[j]) <= n; ++j) lpf[v] = j;
i64 global_n;
int lim;
int le[maxs + 1], // x \le \sqrt{n}
ge[maxs + 1]; // x > \sqrt{n}
#define idx(v) (v <= lim ? le[v] : ge[global_n / v])
int G[maxs + 1][2], Fprime[maxs + 1];
i64 lis[maxs + 1];
int cnt;
inline void init(const i64 &n) {
for (i64 i = 1, j, v; i <= n; i = n / j + 1) {
j = n / i;
v = j % mod;
lis[++cnt] = j;
idx(j) = cnt;
G[cnt][0] = sub(v, 1ll);
G[cnt][1] = div2((i64)(v + 2ll) * (v - 1ll) % mod);
inline void calcFprime() {
for (int k = 1; k <= pcnt; ++k) {
const int p = pri[k];
const i64 sqrp = sqrll(p);
for (int i = 1; lis[i] >= sqrp; ++i) {
const i64 v = lis[i] / p;
const int id = idx(v);
dec(G[i][0], sub(G[id][0], k - 1));
dec(G[i][1], (i64)p * sub(G[id][1], spri[k - 1]) % mod);
/* F_prime = G_1 - G_0 */
for (int i = 1; i <= cnt; ++i) Fprime[i] = sub(G[i][1], G[i][0]);
inline int f_p(const int &p, const int &c) {
/* f(p^{c}) = p xor c */
return p xor c;
int F(const int &k, const i64 &n) {
if (n < pri[k] || n <= 1) return 0;
const int id = idx(n);
i64 ans = Fprime[id] - (spri[k - 1] - (k - 1));
if (k == 1) ans += 2;
for (int i = k; i <= pcnt && sqrll(pri[i]) <= n; ++i) {
i64 pw = pri[i], pw2 = sqrll(pw);
for (int c = 1; pw2 <= n; ++c, pw = pw2, pw2 *= pri[i])
ans +=
((i64)f_p(pri[i], c) * F(i + 1, n / pw) + f_p(pri[i], c + 1)) % mod;
return ans % mod;
int main() {
scanf("%lld", &global_n);
lim = sqrt(global_n);
sieve(lim + 1000);
printf("%lld\n", (F(1, global_n) + 1ll + mod) % mod);
return 0;
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