Optimal In-place Suffix Sort

本章介绍线性时间复杂度的后缀排序的就地算法1(Optimal In-Place Suffix Sorting)。


本章 只建议非常非常熟悉 SA-IS36的前提下阅读。


目标字符串 \texttt{Pat} ,后缀数组 \texttt{SA} ,串的序号从 0 开始,结尾字符是警戒哨,不妨设为 0。


事实上这一部分可以看成是原地版本的 SA-IS 算法。


原地化的原理是用重命名的 \texttt{Pat} 代替 S、L 桶,用额外 O(n) 的操作代替类型桶。

重命名目标串 Pat

简单来说,我们会在不改变后缀大小的相对顺序的前提下,重命名 \texttt{Pat} ,用重命名后的 \texttt{Pat} 来取代原来 S、L 桶,来指明桶头或者桶尾。

重命名的方法是将 \texttt{Pat} 中的 S 型字符替换为所在桶的桶尾索引,L 型字符替换为所在桶的桶头索引。


\begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{Pat}:\qquad&\texttt{ 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 2 1 0} \\ \texttt{Type}:\qquad&\texttt{ L S S L L S S L L S L L S} \\ \texttt{Bucket}:\qquad&\texttt{(0)}\texttt{ }\texttt{(1}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 1 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 1 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 1 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 1 }\texttt{ } \texttt{ 1) }\texttt{(2 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 2) }\texttt{(3}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 3 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 3 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 3)} \end{aligned}

重命名后的 \texttt{Pat'} (之后直接将重命名后的 \texttt{Pat'} 称做 \texttt{Pat} ):

\begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{Pat'}:\qquad&\texttt{ 7 6 6 9 9 6 6 9 9 6 7 1 0} \end{aligned}

由于桶内的字符,L 型字符后缀小,作为桶头;而 S 型字符后缀大,作为桶尾,因此保持了后缀大小的相对顺序。


  1. 和 SA-IS 一样,对 \texttt{Pat} 中每个字符计数,计算其前缀和(计数排序),来构建 S/L 桶,只不过这里用 \texttt{SA} 盛放这个前缀和;
  2. 从尾到头,扫描 \texttt{Pat} 的每个字符,这样只需记录上一个字符的类型,就可以动态地判断每个字符的类型,然后依据前缀和将其重命名。

对 LMS 字符排序



初始的时候将 \texttt{SA} 每一项设为 E(EMPTY)。

从尾到头扫描 \texttt{Pat} ,如果发现是 LMS 字符, \texttt{Pat[i]} ,那么就设置 \texttt{SA[Pat[i]]} 的标记:

如果 \texttt{SA[Pat[i]]} 是 E,就将其设为 U(UNIQUE);

如果 \texttt{SA[Pat[i]]} 是 U,就将其设为 M(MULTIPLE);



\begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{Pat}:\qquad&\texttt{ 7 6 6 9 9 6 6 9 9 6 7 1 0} \\ \texttt{LMS}:\qquad&\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ ∗ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ * }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ * }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ * } \\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(}\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{U}}}\texttt{) }\texttt{(E)}\texttt{ }\texttt{(E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{M}}}\texttt{) }\texttt{(E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E) }\texttt{(E}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E)} \end{aligned}

把 LMS 字符的索引放入 SA

从尾到头扫描 \texttt{Pat} ,对于 LMS 字符 \texttt{Pat[i]} ,根据 \texttt{SA[Pat[i]]} 的符号进行分类讨论:

U:直接让 \texttt{SA[Pat[i]] = i}

M:意味着桶中有至少两个 LMS 字符。

  1. 如果桶中有至少三个 LMS 字符: 就把桶中倒数第二个位置作为临时计数器,标志桶中已填充的 LMS 字符数(桶中倒数第一位就是标志 M) 将新的 LMS 字符从倒数第三个位置开始插入,让临时计数器自增 1。 如果发现桶已经满了,就把桶中从桶头到倒数第三个的所有元素向右平移 2 个位置,然后把新元素插入到桶中第二个位置(桶中第一个位置填为 E)

  2. 如果桶中有且只有 2 个 LMS 字符,显然不需要计数器,直接从右到左顺序插入即可。


​ 根据我们之前的讨论,此时不管桶中有两个还是两个以上的 LMS 字符,这都意味着 \texttt{i} 是桶中最后一个待插入的 LMS 字符的位置,

​ 只需要从桶头开始向左扫描,找到第一个标记为 E 的位置,将其设为 \texttt{i}

最后要从尾到头扫描一遍 \texttt{SA} ,清除可能残余的特殊符号 M(桶中未被填满,所以 M 和计数器未被覆盖)。

方法是将桶中 LMS 字符如上述步骤一样向右平移 2 位,将左边空出来的位置填为 E。


\begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ }\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{Pat}:\qquad&\texttt{ }\texttt{ 7 6 6 9 9 6 6 9 9 6 7 1 0} \\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(}\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{12}}}\texttt{)}\texttt{ (E)}\texttt{ (E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ M}\texttt{) }\texttt{(E }\texttt{ } \texttt{ E) }\texttt{(E}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E)}\\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(12) }\texttt{(E)}\texttt{ (E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ } \texttt{ }\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{9}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\color{red}{\texttt{ 1 }}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ } {\color{red}{\texttt{M}}}\texttt{) }\texttt{(E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E) }\texttt{(E}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E } \texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E)} \\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(12) }\texttt{(E)}\texttt{ (E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{5}}}} \texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\texttt{9}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\color{red}{\texttt{ 2 }}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ } {\color{red}{\texttt{M}}}\texttt{) }\texttt{(E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E) }\texttt{(E}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E } \texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E)}\\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(12) }\texttt{(E)}\texttt{ (}\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{1}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\texttt{ 5}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\texttt{9}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\color{red}{\texttt{ 3 }}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\color{red}{\texttt{M}}}\texttt{) }\texttt{(E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E) }\texttt{(E}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E)}\\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(12) }\texttt{(E)}\texttt{ (}\texttt{E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }{\color{red}{\texttt{ 1 }}\texttt{ }{\texttt{ 5 }}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\texttt{9}}}\texttt{) }\texttt{(E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E) }\texttt{(E}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E)} \end{aligned}

这个阶段,由于每个桶只需要被移动和扫描一次,所以时间复杂度是 O(n)

诱导排序 LMS 子串

诱导排序 LMS 前缀

将 LMS 前缀进行诱导排序,同 SA-IS 一样,这部分同后面对后缀的诱导排序完全一样(使用同一个函数),因此这里直接跳过。


\begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ }\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(}\texttt{12}\texttt{)}\texttt{(11)}\texttt{ (1 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 5 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 9 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 2 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 6}\texttt{) }\texttt{(10 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 0) }\texttt{(4}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 8 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 3 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 7)} \end{aligned}

将已排序的 LMS 子串放到 SA 尾部

\begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{ }\texttt{E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{12}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{1}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{5}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{9}}}} \end{aligned}

构建规模缩减的子目标串 Pat1

从左到右扫描 \texttt{SA} 尾部的 LMS 子串,确定其大小关系“重命名”,将 \texttt{SA[i]} 重命名的值存储在 \texttt{SA}[\large\lfloor\frac{\texttt{SA}[i]}{2} \rfloor]

因为 LMS 字符并不相邻,所以不会有冲突,这样做是将重命名后的值按照所代表的子串在 \texttt{Pat} 中的原顺序放置:

\begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{ }\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{1}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{1}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{2}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{0}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ 12 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 1 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 5 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 9 } \end{aligned}

然后扫描 \texttt{SA} ,收集这些重命名的值到 \texttt{SA} 头部:

\begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{ }\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{1}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{1}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{2}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{0}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ 12 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 1 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 5 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 9 } \end{aligned}

通过递归解决 Pat1,完成对 LMS 后缀的排序

同 SA-IS 一样,递归解决 \texttt{SA} 头部的规模缩减的 \texttt{Pat1} 的后缀排序,结果存到 \texttt{SA} 尾部:

\begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{ }\texttt{1 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 1 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 2 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 0 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{3}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{0}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{1}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{2}}}} \end{aligned}

\texttt{SA} 尾部的 \texttt{SA1} 挪到 \texttt{SA} 头部,重新从尾到头扫描 \texttt{Pat} ,将其中 LMS 字符按照在 \texttt{Pat} 中的顺序放到 \texttt{SA} 尾部:

\begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{3}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{0}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{1}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{2}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{1}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{5}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{9}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{12}}}} \end{aligned}

依照 \texttt{SA} 尾部的“对照表”,将 \texttt{SA1} 头部的 \texttt{SA} 还原为 \texttt{Pat} 中对应的 LMS 后缀的索引位置:

\begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{12}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{1}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{5}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{9}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 1 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 5 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 9 }\texttt{ 12 } \end{aligned}

\texttt{SA} 头部的排好序的 LMS 后缀按顺序放入到对应的桶中(从尾部开始放):

\begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ }\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(}{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{12}}}}\texttt{)}\texttt{ }\texttt{(E)}\texttt{ (}\texttt{E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{1}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{5}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{9}}}}\texttt{)}\texttt{ }\texttt{(E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E) }\texttt{(E}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E)} \end{aligned}

对 Pat1 中所有的后缀进行诱导排序


假如我们已经有排好序的 LMS 后缀(在桶尾),来诱导 L 型后缀5

\begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ }\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{Pat}:\qquad&\texttt{ }\texttt{ 7 6 6 9 9 6 6 9 9 6 7 1 0} \\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(12) }\texttt{(E)}\texttt{ (}\texttt{E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }{\texttt{ 1 }\texttt{ }{\texttt{ 5 }}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\texttt{9}}}\texttt{) }\texttt{(E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E) }\texttt{(E}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E)} \end{aligned}

如同排序 LMS 字符一样,先对 L 型字符用特殊符号计数:

\begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ }\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{Pat}:\qquad&\texttt{ }\texttt{ 7 6 6 9 9 6 6 9 9 6 7 1 0} \\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(}{{\texttt{12}}}\texttt{)}\texttt{ }\texttt{(}{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{U}}}}\texttt{)}\texttt{ }\texttt{(E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 1 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 5 }\texttt{ }{\texttt{ 9}}\texttt{) }\texttt{(}{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{M}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E) }\texttt{(}{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{M}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E)} \end{aligned}

从左到右扫描 SA,同对 LMS 字符排序一样,复杂一点的是判断 \texttt{suf[SA[i] - 1]} 的类型,需要分类讨论(详情参考代码):

\begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ }\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(}{\overrightarrow{\color{red}{\texttt{12}}}\texttt{)}\texttt{(}{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{11}}}}}\texttt{)}\texttt{ (E E 1 5 9) (M E) (M E E E)}\\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(}\texttt{12}\texttt{)}\texttt{(}{\overrightarrow{\color{red}{\texttt{11}}}}\texttt{)}\texttt{ (E E 1 5 9)}\texttt{(}{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{10}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E)}\texttt{ (M E E E)}\\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(12)(11)}\texttt{ (E E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ } {\overrightarrow{\color{red}{\texttt{1}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ 5 9)}\texttt{(10 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{0}}}}\texttt{)}\texttt{ (M E E E)}\\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(12)(11)}\texttt{ (E E 1 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ } {\overrightarrow{\color{red}{\texttt{5}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ 9)}\texttt{(10 0)}\texttt{ (}{\color{red}{\texttt{M 1}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{4}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E)}\\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(12)(11)}\texttt{ (E E 1 5}\texttt{ }\texttt{ } {\overrightarrow{\color{red}{\texttt{9}}}}\texttt{)}\texttt{(10 0)}\texttt{ (}{\color{red}{\texttt{M 2}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ 4 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{8}}}}\texttt{)}\\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(12)(11)}\texttt{ (E E 1 5 9)(10 0)}\texttt{ (}{\overrightarrow{\color{red}{\texttt{4}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ 8 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{3}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ E}\texttt{)}\\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(12)(11)}\texttt{ (E E 1 5 9)(10 0)}\texttt{ (4 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\overrightarrow{\color{red}{\texttt{8}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ 3 }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{7}}}}\texttt{)} \end{aligned}

区别于 SA-IS 的是,对一个类型字符诱导排序后,需要清理 LMS 字符以免对后面的原地诱导排序:

\begin{aligned} \texttt{Index}:\qquad&\texttt{ }\texttt{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} \\ \texttt{SA}:\qquad&\texttt{(12)(11)}\texttt{ (E E }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{E}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{E}}}}\texttt{ }\texttt{ }\texttt{ }{\underline{\color{red}{\texttt{E}}}}\texttt{)}\texttt{(10 0)}\texttt{ (4 8 3 7)} \end{aligned}

至于从 L 后缀诱导 S 后缀与从 LMS 后缀诱导 L 后缀完全对称,这里就不做多余介绍。



时间性能上和 SA-IS 没有显著差别,空间占用变为不到原来的 \large\frac{1}{3} (代码量多 1 倍),算是不愧为原文 Optimal In-Place Suffix Sorting1的标题。

use std::cmp::max;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut;

const LTYPE: bool = false;
const STYPE: bool = true;
const MAX_SA_VALUE: usize = usize::MAX / 2;
const EMPTY: usize = MAX_SA_VALUE + 1;
const UNIQUE: usize = MAX_SA_VALUE + 2;
const MULTI: usize = MAX_SA_VALUE + 3;  // >= 258

fn lms_str_cmp<E: Ord>(l1: &[E], l2: &[E]) -> Ordering {
    for (x, y) in l1.iter().zip(l2.iter()) {
        let cmp_res = x.cmp(&y);

        if cmp_res != Ordering::Equal { return cmp_res; }


fn pat_char_type(cur: usize, prev: usize, last_scanned_type: bool) -> bool {
    if cur < prev || cur == prev && last_scanned_type == STYPE { STYPE }
    else { LTYPE }

fn rename_pat(pat: &mut [usize], sa: &mut [usize]) {
    let patlastpos = pat.len() - 1;
    // 全部刷成bucket head
    for i in 0..sa.len() { sa[i] = 0 }

    for i in 0..pat.len() { sa[pat[i]] += 1 }
    for i in 1..sa.len() { sa[i] += sa[i - 1] }

    for i in 0..pat.len() - 1 {
        pat[i] = sa[pat[i]] - 1;
    // 将L-suffix刷成bucket head
    for i in 0..sa.len() { sa[i] = 0 }

    for i in 0..pat.len() { sa[pat[i]] += 1 }
    let mut last_scanned_type = STYPE;
    pat[patlastpos] = 0;
    for i in (0..pat.len() - 1).rev() {
        if pat_char_type(pat[i], pat[i + 1], last_scanned_type) == STYPE {
            last_scanned_type = STYPE;
        } else {
            pat[i] -= sa[pat[i]] - 1;
            last_scanned_type = LTYPE;


fn sort_lms_char(pat: &mut [usize], sa: &mut [usize]) -> usize {
    for i in 0..sa.len() { sa[i] = EMPTY }

    let mut last_scanned_type = STYPE;
    for i in (0..pat.len() - 1).rev() {
        if pat_char_type(pat[i], pat[i + 1], last_scanned_type) == STYPE {
            last_scanned_type = STYPE;
        } else {
            if last_scanned_type == STYPE {  // pat[i + 1] is LMS type
                sa[pat[i + 1]] += 1;

            last_scanned_type = LTYPE;

    let mut lms_cnt = 0;
    last_scanned_type = STYPE;
    for i in (0..pat.len() - 1).rev() {
        if pat_char_type(pat[i], pat[i + 1], last_scanned_type) == STYPE {
            last_scanned_type = STYPE;
        } else {
            let e_i = i + 1;
            let e = pat[e_i];

            if last_scanned_type == STYPE {  // pat[i + 1] is LMS type
                lms_cnt += 1;
                if sa[e] == UNIQUE {
                    sa[e] = e_i;
                } else if sa[e] >= MULTI && sa[e - 1] == EMPTY {
                    if sa[e - 2] == EMPTY {
                        sa[e - 2] = e_i;
                        sa[e - 1] = 1;  // set counter
                    } else {  // MUL = 2
                        sa[e] = e_i;
                        sa[e - 1] = EMPTY;
                } else if sa[e] >= MULTI && sa[e - 1] != EMPTY {
                    let c = sa[e - 1];  // get counter

                    if sa[e - 2 - c] == EMPTY {
                        sa[e - 2 - c] = e_i;
                        sa[e - 1] += 1;  // update counter
                    } else {
                        for j in (1..c + 1).rev() {
                            sa[e - c + j] = sa[e - 2 - c + j]
                        sa[e - c] = e_i;
                        sa[e - c - 1] = EMPTY;
                } else if sa[e] < EMPTY {
                    for j in (0..e).rev() {
                        if sa[j] == EMPTY {
                            sa[j] = e_i;

            last_scanned_type = LTYPE;

    for i in (0..pat.len()).rev() {
        if sa[i] >= MULTI {
            let c = sa[i - 1];
            for j in (1..c + 1).rev() {  // 逆序防止前面的覆盖后面的
                sa[i - c + j] = sa[i - 2 - c + j];
            sa[i - c - 1] = EMPTY;
            sa[i - c] = EMPTY;


fn sort_lms_substr(pat: &mut [usize], sa: &mut [usize]) {
    // step 1
    induced_sort(pat, sa);

    // step 2
    let pat_last_pos = pat.len() - 1;
    let mut lms_cnt = 0;
    let mut i = pat_last_pos;
    let mut bucket_tail_ptr = pat_last_pos + 1;  // for renamed bucket ver
    let mut bucket = EMPTY;  // 可以省略,但是为了书写代码方便
    let mut num = 0;  // S type number of bucket
    while i > 0 {
        if pat[sa[i]] != bucket {  // reach new bucket
            num = 0;

            let mut l = 0;
            while pat[sa[i - l]] == pat[sa[i]] {  // 扫描桶来计算桶中S字符数量,根据定义 当l=i时循环必然终止
                let pat_i = sa[i - l];             // l < i, 即 i - l > 0, 0 <= pat_i < patlen - 1
                if pat[pat_i] < pat[pat_i + 1] {
                    let mut k = pat_i;
                    while k > 0 && pat[k - 1] == pat[pat_i] { k -= 1 }
                    num += pat_i - k + 1;
                } else {
                    break;   // bucket不含S字符,结束扫描

                l += 1;

            bucket_tail_ptr = i;
            bucket = pat[sa[bucket_tail_ptr]];

        if num > 0
        && i > bucket_tail_ptr - num
        && sa[i] > 0
        && pat[sa[i]] < pat[sa[i] - 1]  {
            sa[pat_last_pos - lms_cnt] = sa[i];
            lms_cnt += 1;

        i -= 1;

    sa[pat_last_pos - lms_cnt ] = sa[i];  // i = 0
    lms_cnt += 1;
    //sa[0..pat_last_pos - lms_cnt + 1].fill(EMPTY);
    for i in 0..pat_last_pos - lms_cnt + 1 { sa[i] = EMPTY }

fn construct_pat1(pat: &mut [usize], sa: &mut [usize], lms_cnt: usize) -> bool {
    let patlen = pat.len();

    let mut prev_lms_str_len = 1;
    let mut rank = 0;
    sa[(patlen - 1) / 2] = rank;
    let mut has_duplicated_char = false;
    for i in patlen - lms_cnt + 1..patlen {  // 从警戒哨字符的下一个字符开始
        let mut j = sa[i];
        while pat[j] <= pat[j + 1] { j += 1 } // 寻找suf(sa[i])右边第一个L字符,因为排除了警戒哨这个LMS后缀,所以必然不会越界
        let mut k = j;
        while k + 1 < patlen && pat[k] >= pat[k + 1] { k += 1 }  // 找到suf(sa[i])右边第一个LMS字符
        let cur_lms_str_len = k + 1 - sa[i];
        let cmp_res = lms_str_cmp(&pat[sa[i]..sa[i] + cur_lms_str_len], &pat[sa[i - 1]..sa[i - 1] + prev_lms_str_len]);

        if  cmp_res != Ordering::Equal {
            rank += 1

        if rank == sa[sa[i - 1] / 2] {
            has_duplicated_char = true;
        let rank_index = sa[i] / 2;
        sa[rank_index] = rank;  // 整除

        prev_lms_str_len = cur_lms_str_len;

    // move to head of sa
    let mut j = 0;
    for i in 0..patlen - lms_cnt {
        if sa[i] != EMPTY {
            sa[j] = sa[i];
            if i > j {
                sa[i] = EMPTY;
            j += 1;
    for i in lms_cnt..patlen { sa[i] = EMPTY }


fn sort_lms_suf(pat: &mut [usize], sa: &mut [usize], lms_cnt: usize, has_duplicated_char: bool) {
    // solve T1 recursively
    let patlen = pat.len();
    let salen = sa.len();
    unsafe {
        let sa_ptr = sa.as_mut_ptr();
        let mut pat1 = from_raw_parts_mut(sa_ptr, lms_cnt);
        let mut sa1 = from_raw_parts_mut(sa_ptr.offset((patlen - lms_cnt) as isize), salen - (patlen - lms_cnt));

        if has_duplicated_char {
            _compute_suffix_array_16_1(&mut pat1, &mut sa1);
        } else {
            for i in 0..lms_cnt { sa1[pat1[i]] = i }

    // move SA1 to SA[0...n1-1]
    for i in 0..lms_cnt {
        sa[i] = sa[patlen- lms_cnt + i];

    // put all LMS-suffixes in SA tail
    let mut last_scanned_type = STYPE;
    let mut j = 0;
    for i in (0..pat.len() - 1).rev() {
        if pat[i] < pat[i + 1] || pat[i] == pat[i + 1] && last_scanned_type == STYPE {
            last_scanned_type = STYPE;
        } else {
            if last_scanned_type == STYPE {
                sa[patlen - 1 - j] = i + 1;
                j += 1;

            last_scanned_type = LTYPE;

    // backward map the LMS-suffixes rank
    for i in 0..lms_cnt {
        let relative_rank = sa[i];
        sa[i] = sa[patlen - lms_cnt + relative_rank];
        sa[patlen - lms_cnt + relative_rank] = EMPTY;

    let mut tail = EMPTY;
    let mut rfp = EMPTY;
    for i in (1..lms_cnt).rev() { // sa[0] 保持原位
        if pat[sa[i]] != tail {
            tail = pat[sa[i]];
            rfp = tail;

        sa[rfp] = sa[i];
        if rfp != i { sa[i] = EMPTY }
        rfp -= 1;

// PASS!
fn induced_sort(pat: &mut [usize], sa: &mut [usize]) {
    let patlen = pat.len();

    // place L-suff in SA
    // init
    let mut last_scanned_type = STYPE;
    for i in (0..patlen - 1).rev() {
        if pat_char_type(pat[i], pat[i + 1], last_scanned_type) == LTYPE {
            sa[pat[i]] += 1;  // >= EMPTY
            last_scanned_type = LTYPE;
        } else {
            last_scanned_type = STYPE;
    let mut i = 0;
    while i < patlen {
        if sa[i] < EMPTY && sa[i] > 0 {
            let j = sa[i] - 1;
            let mut is_ltype = false;
            if pat[j] > pat[j + 1] {
                is_ltype = true;
            } else if pat[j] == pat[j + 1] {  // 判断sa[i]是否是L后缀的编号
                let next_i = sa[pat[sa[i]]];
                if next_i >= MULTI {
                    is_ltype = true;
                } else if next_i < EMPTY && pat[sa[i]] + 1 < patlen {
                    if sa[pat[sa[i]] + 1] == EMPTY {
                        is_ltype = true;
                    } else if sa[pat[sa[i]] + 1] < EMPTY {
                        if pat[sa[pat[sa[i]] + 1]] == pat[sa[i]] {
                            is_ltype = true;

            if is_ltype {
                if sa[pat[j]] == UNIQUE {
                    sa[pat[j]] = j;
                } else if sa[pat[j]] >= MULTI && sa[pat[j] + 1] == EMPTY {
                    if sa[pat[j]] - EMPTY > 2 {
                        sa[pat[j] + 2] = j;
                        sa[pat[j] + 1] = 1;  // set counter
                    } else {
                        sa[pat[j]] = j;
                } else if sa[pat[j]] >= MULTI && sa[pat[j] + 1] != EMPTY {
                    let e = pat[j];
                    let c = sa[e + 1];
                    let lfp = e + c + 2;
                    if  c + 2 < sa[pat[j]] - EMPTY {  // 没到bucket尾部
                        sa[lfp] = j;
                        sa[e + 1] += 1;  // update counter
                    } else {
                        for k in 1..c + 1 {
                            sa[e + k - 1] = sa[e + k + 1];
                        sa[e + c] = j;
                        sa[e + c + 1] = EMPTY;
                        if i >= e + 2 && i <= e + c + 1 {
                            i -= 2;
                } else if sa[pat[j]] < EMPTY {
                    for k in pat[j]..patlen {
                        if sa[k] == EMPTY {
                            sa[k] = j;
        } else if sa[i] >= MULTI {
            i += 1;

        i += 1;

    // remove LMS-suff form SA, 一个桶里可能有多个LMS后缀
    last_scanned_type = STYPE;
    for i in (0..pat.len() - 1).rev() {
        if pat_char_type(pat[i], pat[i + 1], last_scanned_type) == STYPE {
            last_scanned_type = STYPE;
        } else {
            if last_scanned_type == STYPE {  // pat[i + 1] is LMS type
                if sa[pat[i + 1]] <= EMPTY {
                    sa[pat[i + 1]] = UNIQUE;
                } else {
                    sa[pat[i + 1]] += 1;

            last_scanned_type = LTYPE;
    i = patlen - 1;
    while i > 0 {
        if sa[i] > EMPTY {
            let c = sa[i] - EMPTY;
            for k in 0..c {
                sa[i - k] = EMPTY;
            i -= c - 1;

        i -= 1;
    sa[0] = pat.len() - 1;

    // place S-suff in SA
    // init
    let mut last_scanned_type = STYPE;
    for i in (0..patlen - 1).rev() {
        if pat_char_type(pat[i], pat[i + 1], last_scanned_type) == STYPE {
            if sa[pat[i]] >= EMPTY {
                sa[pat[i]] += 1;
            } else {
                sa[pat[i]] = UNIQUE;
            last_scanned_type = STYPE;
        } else {
            last_scanned_type = LTYPE;
    i = patlen - 1;
    while i > 0 {
        if sa[i] < EMPTY && sa[i] > 0 {
            let j = sa[i] - 1;
            let mut is_stype = false;
            if pat[j] < pat[j + 1] {
                is_stype = true;
            } else if pat[j] == pat[j + 1] {  // 判断sa[i]是否是S后缀的编号
                let next_i = sa[pat[sa[i]]];
                if next_i >= MULTI {
                    is_stype = true;
                } else if next_i < EMPTY && pat[sa[i]] - 1 > 0 {
                    if sa[pat[sa[i]] - 1] == EMPTY {
                        is_stype = true;
                    } else if sa[pat[sa[i]] - 1] < EMPTY {
                        if pat[sa[pat[sa[i]] - 1]] == pat[sa[i]] {
                            is_stype = true;

            if is_stype {
                if sa[pat[j]] == UNIQUE {
                    sa[pat[j]] = j;
                } else if sa[pat[j]] >= MULTI && sa[pat[j] - 1] == EMPTY {
                    if sa[pat[j]] - EMPTY > 2 {
                        sa[pat[j] - 2] = j;
                        sa[pat[j] - 1] = 1;  // set counter
                    } else {
                        sa[pat[j]] = j;
                } else if sa[pat[j]] >= MULTI && sa[pat[j] - 1] != EMPTY {
                    let e = pat[j];
                    let c = sa[e - 1];
                    let num = sa[pat[j]] - EMPTY;
                    if c + 2 < num {  // 没到bucket头部
                        let rfp = e - c - 2;
                        sa[rfp] = j;
                        sa[e - 1] += 1;
                    } else {
                        for k in 1..c + 1 {
                            sa[e - k + 1] = sa[e - k - 1];
                        sa[e - c] = j;
                        sa[e - c - 1] = EMPTY;
                        if i >= e - num + 1 && i <= e - 2 {
                            i += 2;
                } else if sa[pat[j]] < EMPTY {
                    for k in (0..pat[j]).rev() {
                        if sa[k] == EMPTY {
                            sa[k] = j;
        } else if sa[i] >= MULTI {
            i -= 1;
        i -= 1;

fn _compute_suffix_array_16_1(pat: &mut [usize], sa: &mut [usize]) {
    rename_pat(pat, sa);
    let lms_cnt = sort_lms_char(pat, sa);
    sort_lms_substr(pat, sa);
    let has_duplicated_char = construct_pat1(pat, sa, lms_cnt);
    sort_lms_suf(pat, sa, lms_cnt, has_duplicated_char);
    induced_sort(pat, sa);

pub fn suffix_array_16(pat: &[u8]) -> Vec<usize> {
    let mut pat = pat.into_iter().map(|x| *x as usize).collect::<Vec<usize>>();
    let mut sa = vec![0; max(pat.len(), 256) * 1];
    _compute_suffix_array_16_1(&mut pat[..], &mut sa[..]);


fn input() -> String {
    use std::io;

    let mut input = String::new();
    io::stdin().read_line(&mut input).unwrap();

fn main() {
    let pat = input();

    let sa_16 = suffix_array_16(pat.as_bytes());

    for i in 1..pat.len() + 1 { print!("{} ", sa_16[i] + 1) }



算法实现的难点在于在 \texttt{SA} 上构建 BitMaps4,来替代本来由重命名后的 T 所指示的指示桶尾/桶头的位置。

这里的 BitMaps 指得是使用比特向量(bit vector)表示的有序字典(multiset),是一种紧凑型结构(compact data structure)。

有兴趣了解的暂时只能阅读原文以及本文引用的 BitMaps 的有关论文自行了解。





  1. Li, Zhize; Li, Jian; Huo, Hongwei (2016).Optimal In-Place Suffix Sorting. Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 11147. Springer. pp. 268–284. arXiv:1610.08305. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-00479-8_22. ISBN:978-3-030-00478-1. 

  2. Pang Ko and Srinivas Aluru. Space efficient linear time construction of suffix arrays. In Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM), pages 200–210. Springer, 2003. 

  3. Ge Nong, Sen Zhang, and Wai Hong Chan. Linear suffix array construction by almost pure induced-sorting. In Data Compression Conference (DCC), pages 193–202. IEEE, 2009. 

  4. Gonzalo Navarro and Eliana Providel. Fast, small, simple rank/select on bitmaps. In Proc. 11th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA), pages 295–306, 2012. 

  5. 如果是 LML 后缀,就先诱导 S 型后缀,唯一区别是计算 LML 后缀时需要将警戒哨也算进去。 

  6. 推荐阅读 博文 和它的 issue 列表 
