About Hulu

Hulu is the leading professional video service platform in the United States. It was founded in 2006 and is currently owned by Disney. It has more than 29 million subscribers in the United States. With Hulu, users can watch long videos and live TV shows on multiple devices such as computers, TVs with network connections, smartphones, and tablets.

Hulu is the leading streaming media platform in the states

In 2017, Hulu's self-produced drama The Handmaid's Tale became the biggest winner of both the Emmys and the Golden Globe Awards, and won more than ten trophies. In 2019, Hulu's self-produced documentary Minding the Gap was nominated for the best documentary Oscar.

Hulu Office distribution

Hulu is headquartered in Los Angeles, USA and has a total of 8 offices worldwide. Its Beijing office is the second largest R&D center after the headquarter and has been in an important strategic position since the establishment of Hulu.

Hulu Beijing Office

Hulu's Beijing office was established in 2007 and currently has 200 employees, of which over 80% have doctorate and master degrees. Hulu Beijing was elected as the “Best Workplace in Greater China®” for two consecutive years in 2018 and 2019.

Hulu Campus Opportunities

Just as Hulu's products are the best combination of technology and entertainment, working at Hulu can not only work with a group of like-minded tech experts, but also enjoy a fun working environment. Hulu Beijing has annual intern recruitment program for campus groups. Follow Hulu on Twitter to learn more!