Linked List
It is not hard to find that the block linked list is a linked list, and each node points to an array. We divide the original array of length n into sqn
means sqrt(n)
that is pb
means push_back
, that is, adding an element to this node
struct node {
node* nxt;
int size;
char d[(sqn << 1) + 5];
node() { size = 0, nxt = NULL, memset(d, 0, sizeof(d)); }
void pb(char c) { d[size++] = c; }
Block linked lists should at least support these operations: split, insert, and lookup. What is split? It is to split a node
into two small nodes
to ensure that the size of each node
is close to node
How to do the split operation? First create a new node, and then copy
the last size--
), and finally insert the new node after the node being splited.
The time complexity of all operations of the block linked list is
There is one more thing worth mentioning here.
As elements are inserted (or deleted),
In fact, this is not the case. we could just set
list<vector<char> > orz_list;
Sample problem¶
Solution: This is a very simple template problem. The code is shown below:
#include <cctype>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
static const int sqn = 1e3;
struct node {
node* nxt;
int size;
char d[(sqn << 1) + 5];
node() { size = 0, nxt = NULL; }
void pb(char c) { d[size++] = c; }
}* head = NULL;
char inits[(int)1e6 + 5];
int llen, q;
void readch(char& ch) {
ch = getchar();
while (!isalpha(ch));
void check(node* p) {
if (p->size >= (sqn << 1)) {
node* q = new node;
for (int i = sqn; i < p->size; i++) q->pb(p->d[i]);
p->size = sqn, q->nxt = p->nxt, p->nxt = q;
void insert(char c, int pos) {
node* p = head;
int tot, cnt;
if (pos > llen++) {
while (p->nxt != NULL) p = p->nxt;
p->pb(c), check(p);
for (tot = head->size; p != NULL && tot < pos; p = p->nxt, tot += p->size)
tot -= p->size, cnt = pos - tot - 1;
for (int i = p->size - 1; i >= cnt; i--) p->d[i + 1] = p->d[i];
p->d[cnt] = c, p->size++;
char query(int pos) {
node* p;
int tot, cnt;
for (p = head, tot = head->size; p != NULL && tot < pos;
p = p->nxt, tot += p->size)
tot -= p->size;
return p->d[pos - tot - 1];
int main() {
scanf("%s %d", inits, &q), llen = strlen(inits);
node* p = new node;
head = p;
for (int i = 0; i < llen; i++) {
if (i % sqn == 0 && i) p->nxt = new node, p = p->nxt;
char a;
int k;
while (q--) {
if (a == 'Q')
scanf("%d", &k), printf("%c\n", query(k));
readch(a), scanf("%d", &k), insert(a, k);
return 0;
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