

The stack is a linear data structure commonly used in OI. Please note that this article mainly talks about the data structure called stack, not the system stack/stack-based memory in computing architectures.

The modification of the stack follows the principle of last in first out, so the stack is usually called the last in first out table, or LIFO table for short.


LIFO means that the last one currently in the container goes out first.

Let's consider the following stack:


If you consider it as a whole: 1 is the first one pushed into the stack, the first one popped; 2 is the last one pushed into the stack, the last one popped. This would become a first-in first-out table, which is obviously wrong.

Therefore, when considering whether the data structure is LIFO or FIFO, the situation in current container should be considered.

We can use an array to simulate a stack easily as the code below shows:

int stk[N];
// Here use stk[0] (i.e. *stk) to represent the number of elements in the stack, and it is also the index of the top element of the stack
// push into the stack
stk[++*stk] = var1;
// get the top element from the stack
int u = stk[*stk];
// pop from the stack: pay attention to the out-of-boundery problem. When *stk == 0, it can no longer be popped
if (*stk) --*stk;
// clear stack
*stk = 0;

Also, STL provides this method: std::stack

#include <stack>
// stack construction:
1. stack<Typename T> s;
2. stack<Typename T, Container> s;
/* The container of stack needs to implement following interfaces:
 * back()
 * push_back()
 * pop_back()
 * Standard container like std::vector / deque / list statisfies these requirements
 * If you use the method 1 to construct, the default container uses deque

std::stack supports assignment operator =

Element access: returns the top of the stack


s.empty() returns whether is empty

s.size() returns the number of elements


s.push() pushes the element to the top of the stack

s.pop() pops the element on top of the stack

Other operators:

==!=<<=>>= can compare the values of two stack lexicographically
