Minimal Representation

Minimal string representation is a method used to solve problems concerning what its name shows (i.e. minimal string representation itself).

Minimum representation of the string

Cyclic isomorphism

When a position i in the string S can be selected to satisfy:

S[i\cdots n]+S[1\cdots i-1]=T

Then we can say that S and T are cyclically isomorphic.

Minimal representation

The minimal representation of the string S is a string with the smallest lexicographical order among all strings that are isomorphic to the S loop.

The simple brute force

Each time we compare the isomorphism of the loop starting from i and j , record the current position as k , and skip the larger one each time we encounter a different character. The rest is the optimal solution.

int k = 0, i = 0, j = 1;
while (k < n && i < n && j < n) {
  if (sec[(i + k) % n] == sec[(j + k) % n]) {
  } else {
    if (sec[(i + k) % n] > sec[(j + k) % n])
    k = 0;
    if (i == j) i++;
i = min(i, j);

The performance is good using random data, but it may get stuck with special cases.

For example: for string \texttt{aaa}\cdots\texttt{aab} , it is not difficult to find that the time complexity of this algorithm degenerates to O(n^2) .

We find that when there are multiple consecutive repeated substrings in the string, the efficiency of this algorithm is reduced. So we have to consider optimizing this process.

Minimal representation algorithm

The principle of the algorithm

For a pair of strings A,B , their starting positions in the original string S are respectively i,j , and their first k characters are the same, that is

A[i \cdots i+k-1]=B[j \cdots j+k-1]

First we consider the case where A[i+k]>B[j+k] . We find that the strings whose starting position subscript l satisfies the string of i\le l\le i+k cannot be the answer. Because for any string S_{i+p} (representing a string starting with i+p ), there must be a string S_{j+p} that is better than it.

So when comparing, we can skip the subscript l\in [i,i+k] and directly compare S_{i+k+1} .

In this way, we have completed the optimization of the above brute force solution.

Time complexity


Steps of the algorithm

  1. Initialize pointer i to 0 , j to 1 , and initial matching length k to 0 ;
  2. Compare the size of the k -th element, and jump to the corresponding pointer according to the comparison result. If the two pointers are the same after the jump, choose a pointer randomly and increase it by one to ensure that the two strings compared are different;
  3. Repeat the process above until the comparisons are over;
  4. The answer is the smaller one of i,j ;


int k = 0, i = 0, j = 1;
while (k < n && i < n && j < n) {
  if (sec[(i + k) % n] == sec[(j + k) % n]) {
  } else {
    sec[(i + k) % n] > sec[(j + k) % n] ? i = i + k + 1 : j = j + k + 1;
    if (i == j) i++;
    k = 0;
i = min(i, j);


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